Seeing a friend or loved one struggle is hard. When times get tough, there are so many ways to encourage someone who could use extra support in their life. But finding the right word or gesture can be difficult. Here are a few tips to get you started:
Send an encouragement card to someone, no matter what life challenge they need support for. From cancer support to divorce to job loss, when they're going through a hard time, send a card of support letting them know that you're there to help and you know they'll get through this rough patch. It doesn't even have to be for tough times; just let someone know that you're thinking of them. There are so many reasons to send words of encouragement and motivation, even just because. If you're not sure what to say, Hallmark's writers are here with some suggestions for what to write in a thinking of you card!
An encouragement gift can be a long-lasting reminder of support and a great way to show that you care. Give an inspirational gift that can live in their home as a reminder of your love. Help them start the day right with inspirational quotes in the kitchen. Motivational jewelry and accessories—bracelets, tote bags or socks—will keep them upbeat and positive throughout the day. Devotionals and motivational books full of inspirational mantras will pump them up when they most need it. Willow Tree figurines are a great way to give a gift of inspiration and motivation that will last throughout the years.
Kids love encouragement, too. Whether they're facing the first day or school, a big piano recital or just need to be reminded how amazing they are, pick up a kids encouragement card and tuck it into their backpack. Add a little inspirational gift for kids to remind them to follow their dreams.
If you're not sure how to let someone know that you're there to encourage and support them, we have a few DIY motivational gift ideas that can get you started. Find tips to figure out what to say and do in tough times when you want to show you care. No matter who needs support or why, you can find just the right words or gift to show you have their back, through thick and thin.